
Antonio Araujo, origins of Carboexpor


Antonio Araujo, like so many other Spaniards, had to emigrate to Germany in search of a job to support his family. There he got to know another culture and another way of looking at life. And what struck him most was that the Germans were great lovers of barbecues and that they needed large quantities of charcoal and briquettes to make them.

So, on his return to Spain, he didn't think much about it and decided to take advantage of his experience. He rented a warehouse and created the company Carboexpor, dedicated mainly to supplying charcoal and briquettes wherever there was demand.

Over the years, the company grew and his sons began to work closely with him. They expanded the company to the 45,000 square metres of land that now houses the warehouses and warehouses for their products. And he went on to manufacture, distribute and sell solid biofuel products to parts of the world as far away as Europe, including England, and the United Arab Emirates.

Today his grandchildren are learning Antonio's trade to keep the company going for years to come. A secure future for a business that is growing every day.

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